Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sad days...

Last night I read something that was totally shocking to me. It hurt me to the core. I read an article on yahoo.com stating that J. K. Rowling, the author of the infamous Harry Potter series, revealed that Dumbledore, the Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, was indeed a homosexual. That while he was growing up he had a "crush" on the wizard Gellert Grindelwald. Although it must not have been too big of a crush because those of us that have read the last and final book in the series learned that Dumbledore eventually killed Grindelwand in an epic battle. A battle that was almost five years in the making because Dumbledore struggled with his heart and feelings.

Now, in another yahoo.com article, I read that former singer for the "Boy Band" N'Sync also has a book coming out soon where he reveals he is also a homosexual. Indeed these last two days have been sad.


JBrandt said...

Dumbledorf...what a great name for a dumb character in a dumb literary series. Next thing you'll be telling me is that Mr. Sulu from Star Trek has "issues".
-Go Figure

D. Rohde said...
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