Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Little Slice of Heaven

The weekend of March 21-23 was truly a memorable event. It all started on Good Friday. Not only was I able to celebrate the ultimate sacrifice that the Lord made for me, but it was also the first official day of Spring. Yeah, it snowed 13 inches while I was home in "God's Country" Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

On Sunday my family and I celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. It was great seeing my God Parents Lynn and Carla Podoll again. But sandwiched in between the two religious holidays, I celebrated the Annual Bike Expo at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Wheel and Sprocket holds there expo there every year. This was only the second time I have been able to attend due to the fact that I lived in Michigan for 4 plus years. Last year was tremendous, this year was even better. Even though I have not purchased a bike myself, it is always a good time when someone in my family does. Last year my father bought a bike, this year my mother featured into the world of the road bike. It is a cute little Trek bike. I am looking forward to participating in the same race with her this June. The Tinley Park Duathlon. Sorry mom, but I'm going to try my hardest to beat you.


JBrandt said...

Ahhhhhhh, nothing like the killer instinct for the ones you love. It was Beach Night as Aaron and I attended the Pistons/Heat game Thursday night. After the game I knew the tropical beach theme was complete with the five inches of snow that forced my thirty-minute homeward bound trip into 75 minutes of white-knuckle stress.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to pick me up a bike. Remember my Facebook post, "Kelli needs a bike." I will be waiting for the delivery in COS.